
On Equality and Americanism.

Sometimes, I wonder why our definition of "civilized" is so twisted. I mean, we have to label people as guys/girls. Why?? Like, what's it matter that HE said that or SHE did this. I mean, does it make that much of a difference if someone is a girl or a boy? If we really want both genders to be truly equal, then the English language has to get rid of masculine and feminine subjects. Yeah, I don't know what would replace it, but pretty much anything would be more beneficial to reaching equality than where we are now.


I can't be the only one who thought of this. The fact that the language of English has to evolve in order for it to remain very much an "alive" language is not news. It will just take someone really devoted to this to make this change.

On a tangent, France has (semi-)recently removed the word "mademoiselle" from its language, due to people protesting that there are two choices for females, and only "monsieur" for males. I wonder if America will ever take France's lead...





you're missing from me.
a cruel and (un)fortunate trick played by
none other than Sir Kismet himself, who was forever scarred with the delirious mark of chaste.
If thou deem it worthy,
i'd go (to you).
a desperate vengeance flashing through
my eyes, it would take but a few hours
and you should know i'd waste thousands of them to be with you (again).
we were at the wrong place at the wrong
and you know all too well how time cannot be glued back together;
for it is dynamic and intangible and gone (forever).
you're my missing piece.
my soulmate.
and i lost you.

Something Personal.

"Geez, you're so smart."
"Why do you have to be so smart?"

You know my name, and perhaps some of my classes. You don't know my story.



I stabbed myself with a pencil. Heed my warnings and beware thy backpack in disorder.


Running crew.

For the fall musical, not like a sport or anything.
I am on sound, as in sound effects. I'm supposed to play 5 noises total, four in the first act and one in the second. The five sounds are on two CDs, so I have to switch them out and adjust the volume. It got really boring after the fourth sound...
So I facebooked. And I texted. That was about it... It was pretty boring. But I'm on the crew. And I will get easy extra credit points for English if I make a short paper about the play. Since I'm backstage, I won't even have to pay. But I have to miss my (would've-been) first math team meet tomorrow. And this weeks' robitics meetings. But w/e.





This is the best.
I sold half my Halloween candy to my mom for five dollars. Today I spent $6.68 on half-off candy at the drug store. Technically, though, I only spent a dollar and sixty-eight cents on two bags of candy that I hand picked off the isle shelves.
I don't rock. I roll.


Apparently, AP Chemistry is where it's at...

AP Chemistry, at my school, is for juniors. Not really surprising, because AP Biology is for sophomores, and college physics is for seniors. Note that none of this applies to me. So it really shouldn't surprise me that a bunch of 17-year-olds show up more outside of school than driving illiterate underclassmen - aka everyone I associate with.

What made me come to this conclusion?

First incidence.

Who: my younger brother; a junior in my AP Chemistry class.
What: a basketball game.
When: last Saturday.
Where: my high school.

I found out that aforementioned junior is a co-coach for my little brother's basketball team. I also found out that I'm not yet recognizable. Which, I guess, is a good thing; I'm not on the upperclassmen's radars.

Incidence the second.

Target: the junior in my AP Chem who sits in the seat in front of me.
What: a horrible accident that shall not be repeated.
When: approximately thirty-two minutes before the writing of this post.
Where: the local Papa Murphy's.

Long story short, my family - save for my mother who was at home under the pretense of being sick - walked into the location to inquire about the pumpkin-shaped pepperoni pizzas they have for Halloween. Alas, they were out, so my brother made a small scene in their empty store in front of the target. Thankfully, the target didn't realize that me awkwardly opening and closing my mouth was because he may sit in the seat in front of me in AP Chem. Maybe I will forever be friendzoned. Or would it instead be "underclassman-zoned"?

Cheers, I guess.