
it's been a while

whoa. i have no idea why i originally made this blog; maybe just for something personal?

but, yeah. i finished my apps to a local community college; priority deadline is april 15 and i wanted my mom to drop it off yesterday.

i'm also applying to one or two other colleges; i want to apply to MCTC, which is supposedly the creme de la creme of community colleges. i think they have third- and fourth-semester french as well (which is rare. i counted 5 urban colleges that have french past first year... of those, 4 i can pseo at).

i'm signing up for online drivers ed soon, and i want to take the permit test by may 6th, so i can get my drivers license on my 16th birthday. geez, i really can't wait for my 16th. here's a preview of events:

- (hopefully) driver's license test
- apply for 3 jobs (one at a library within walking distance, and two at a couple starbucks[es] near my uni)
- get my passport
- go to a 16+ club.

currently, i'm slacking. of course.
i set up a foodie blog to post recipes and the like.
i'm kind of behind in computer programming, because i don't go in as much. i haven't done chemistry in a while (it hurts my brain) and math - well, let's just say mr. pythagoras himself would harrumph at my progress.

on the flip side, my friend from my old school (freshman year - we had the same bus second semester) is moving like five blocks away. i got dark chocolate chips for easter. i conteplated going vegan for a week (srsly, between mambas, peanut butter, noodles, and tofu, i'd be set). i finished paper towns by john green (fabulous writer). i watched some anime that is not found on netflix. i ran on a treadmill twice a week (2.42 miles total).

basically, i had a spring break.

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